Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Its Cold Outside!

I am definately a southern girl through and through, and one thing that I hate is this cold weather! January was fine with me when I had the air conditioner on with short sleeves, but now I'm a little disappointed! I guess I'll just have to bundle up a little tighter.


Court said...

Im with you I hate this cold weather. But if its going to be cold then I want it to be cold for a while and if its going to be hot i wish it would stay hot. Anyways have a good day.

Amber Ivey said...

I agree with you I was in shorts yesterday! It was great my daughter and I played in her sandbox and just enjoyed the weather but today whew had to run out in the cold to warm up the truck!!! ah well at least it good hot chocolate weather!!

Joe Reddick said...

I must say I think its so funny being down here in the south and how different people react to cold weather. Im from NY where it gets below zero all the time with snow. Im happy to be here cause its never that cold but I do have to admit it is kinda cold today. But if you want real cold take a trip to the north.

Amber Lindeen said...

Yeah i agree with you I wish that it would either stay warm or stay cold this changing from day to day is just wrong.